“Follow the pattern of sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you.” (2 Tim. 1:13-14)
These instructions that Paul gave to Timothy are exactly the words our church needs to hear right now. The world around us is constantly changing. Daily, our culture is shifting from one false hope to another. All around us, men and women search for meaning and purpose by digging for themselves cisterns that hold no water while rejecting the fountain of living water (Jeremiah. 2:13).
Every day brings new challenges as we seek to reach the world with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. Even within our own body, change is coming. The answer to me is clear: we must be steadfast. Though the world may change, though times may change, though leadership may change, the Word of God has not changed. We must remain steadfast in the truth of the Word and in our love for God and for our neighbors.
We must find new ways to reach out to our community! We need to think outside of the normal box and go beyond what we have done before! We must reach out to the lost and hurt in our immediate and extended area! It isn’t about inside the walls of FRCC! It is about making a difference for the Kingdom through the gospel of Jesus our Lord and Savior!
This is a new year, and I am excited to see what God is about to do with this Raggamuffin band of misfits… Now more than ever, we MUST be diligent to see God’s will in the way we worship, pray and act upon what His word says on how we are to live… Sin will try it’s best to enter into the Faith Family, but we as leaders will fight to keep it out!
We will reach seven years as a body of independent believers on January 15th! Now is the time to be bold in everything concerning the mission God has placed us on. And make no mistake, Jesus is at the helm of this church. Not me!
So, buckle up, because the future of Faith Rising Community Church looks AMAZING!!!