The Elder board met last night, and they have decided to do the following steps. Below is the official statement from the board:
Faith Rising Community Church
Re-launching the church 2020 amid the Corona-virus outbreak.
Planned first service back will be May 17th. (Contingent on the status of the state of SC with infections)
Steps to take:
• Before service, have volunteers come in and sanitize all door surfaces, doorknobs, chairs and other surfaces that may have been touched.
• Space each row of chairs 6 ft. apart front to back
• Families will need to sit together with their own children.
• There cannot be any physical contact between people other than immediate family members.
• People must respect the 6 ft. social distancing guidelines slated by the CDC and the state.…/20…/community/organizations/index.html
• The sound and video booth will be limited to one person or one married couple.
• There will be no children’s church until further notice.
• The nursery can be utilized for moms and their own babies.
• We will not offer a coffee café’ until further notice
• There will be hand sanitizer in most areas of the building
• We will require everyone who uses the rest room must wash their hands a minimum of 20 seconds
We realize that there may be crying babies during service. It is really OK! We want you here!
We are a family!
We feel that if we follow these guidelines, that we will be taking a proactive approach for bringing
Our faith family back home!
If you feel that you are at risk, then we welcome you to continue to view the services online.
We are very much looking forward to getting back to a live corporate worship setting!
God bless you all and thank you all for supporting this ministry.